2011년 1월 7일 금요일

Concerning About My Major

My major is computer science & engineering as you know.
Suddenly, one day, My friend who work with me in language center asked me about changing his major.
then, I also became to think about it.

Is it suitable for me?
Can I success in this field?
what do I really want to do?

I stoped thinking and went to the library for obtaining information.
I also searched the internet and tried to ask anyone who can help me for a advice.
Finally, After considering about my aptitude, I realized computer science & engineering fits on me.

I found I didn't have a plan for the future until now.
I will set up the long-term goal not to lose my own direction.

댓글 6개:

  1. i hope everything will come out all right.

  2. What you will want to come true, I trust you.

  3. Don't think about the future. Just think about now. And then you'll feel happy. Take care~~~~~

  4. Then, how about chemical engineering?
    Think about~

  5. If you plan to good long-term goal, you don't worry.
    Cheer up! hh~~

  6. I have also thought if my major really fits on me. But I don't have answers in that questios unlike you. I envy you because you finally find your aptitude ~~~
